
The Custom Revolver by Hamilton S. Bowen
with foreword by Ross Seyfried

The Custom Revolver is essential reading for shooters, handgun hunters, collectors or anyone else with an interest not only in custom revolvers but revolvers in general. Many handgun-related books touch on the general topic of custom revolvers, but never before have the nearly unlimited possibilities available from skilled, custom revolversmiths been cataloged and covered in such depth and detail.

The Custom Revolver begins with a discussion of available revolvers, notes their strengths and weaknesses and proceeds to show all manner of sights, exotic barrels and custom cylinders for popular Colt, Ruger and Smith & Wesson revolvers. Other chapters contain valuable insights into such topics as the compatibility of various modifications, shooting techniques, revolver accuracy and testing, reloading high-performance revolver ammunition, wildcat cartridges, finishing, custom grips and much more.

Several chapters are devoted to truly exotic revolvers, many of which are one of a kind, such as a .577 Redhawk and a twenty-six ounce, ultra-lightweight .50 Action Express Blackhawk with a titanium barrel and cylinder. Other sections touch on the Colt Flat-Top Target model, the fascinating Sedgley take-out cylinder revolvers and many others. Not only is the fabulous Seyfried No. 13 revolver discussed and illustrated, but also the first chapter is devoted to the most famous custom revolver of all the Keith No. 5.

Only Hamilton S. Bowen, founder of Bowen Classic Arms Corporation, could have written this book. No other revolver maker has produced a portfolio of gun work of such diversity, quality and sophistication, the product of the experience and skill gained from his thirty-year career in the trade. Publications the world over have featured the work of his firm.

The Custom Revolver is the definitive book on the topic and is destined to become a classic.

Please visit our book section to see a the table of contents and book reviews.

now hear thisSeptember 1, 2012 | As some of our customers may already be aware, The First edition of The Custom Revolver has completely sold out. However, we are please to announce that a digital version of the First edition is finally available.

The Custom Revolver e-book @
For only $9.99

Please Note: The digital version of The Custom Revolver has been designed to be as widely inter-compatible as possible; subsequently much of the formatting has been altered. It is compatible with all Kindle devices, Kindle for iPad/iPhone/Mac, and Kindle for Android/PC.

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